Sunday, May 13, 2012

Synchronicity and language

Today I had another instance of the uncanny and synchronous events related to language that occasionally happen to me.

I often read while listening to the radio. And often I've found that at the exact moment that my eye lands upon a particularly unusual word, I will also hear that word on the radio. 

Yes, I know what you're thinking. If I'm reading a newspaper article about some person who is currently featuring in the news, then it's very likely that I'll also hear the name of that person being discussed in a news bulletin on the radio. But I'm not including instances like that, which are, of course, unsurprising.

Today, for example, I was listening to a program called Common Knowledge on the ABC's Radio National. It was the end of the program, and the presenter was referring to the program as "CK". At that very moment he said "CK" my eyes happened to look down to a bunch of keys in a tray, and one of the keyrings was a fake Calvin Klein keyring, which consisted of the letters C and K. It was the exact same moment.

This often happens to me. I'll hear an unusual word or phrase at the exact same moment as I also see it. But the written and the audible versions of that word usually are totally unrelated, as outlined above.

What's going on here? Many people talk of the significance of coincidences. But I can't detect any useful patterns in these coincidences. What significance could the initials "CK" possibly have for me? It it a recommendation to approach someone with those initials? Or a warning to stay away from them?

If you have had any similar experiences with synchronous words or phrases, please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. It's just your mind looking for connections & attaching meaning to them, I think, where none exists. The fact that you were listening to that program to begin with probably meant that your brain registered the Calvin Klein where it would otherwise have ignored it as meaningless background information. I mean, if you'd been listening to another program, say 2UE, in the same place at the same time, there would've been no connection, right?

